COMP Resources
COMP in the News
Drugs by Design in Chemical and Engineering News November 28th, 2005 issue (Note: must use your ACS ID for access).
Turbocharging Computers, Chemical and Engineering News, September 27, 2004, Volume 82, Number 39, pp. 35-40.
Enzyme by Design, Chemical and Engineering News, July 12, 2004, Volume 82, Number 28, p. 24.(Note: must use your ACS ID for access).
Calculating Carbohydrates., Chemical and Engineering News, April 26, 2004, Volume 82, No 17, pages 36-39.
Dealing with Data Overload, Chemical and Engineering News, March 22, 2004, Volume 82, Number 12, pages 19-24.
Better than Fourier? Vibrational spectra of molecules can now be calculated more quickly and accurately, Chemical and Engineering News, February 9, 2004, Volume 82, Number 6, pp. 30-31. (Note: must use your ACS ID for access).
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